M A C K M U R P H Y ’ S — Thrilling story tells of war and anguish among many other things; it truly encapsulates the immense effects of losing a brother in combat.

The Wolf Hunter
Breaches the reality that there are three types of people in this world.

The Sheep
Those that are innocent and require protection from others. The unaware.

“ The Wolf Hunter is a daunting thriller that splits open the depths of war and what it means to face unimaginable evil.’’

The Wolves
Those who seek to prey on the innocent. The growing repulsive darkness in our society.
The Wolf Hunters
Those that live to protect the flock. The brave and unwavering. The ones with the strength to hold this brittle world together.

What will his need to gain retribution from the wicked cost him? How will it affect the people he loves?
“ Written with authentic characters, powerful perspectives, and dynamic relationships.”
“ A remarkably captivating experience to read, that leaves you questioning how long will staff Sergeant Mack Murphy outrun death?”